Understanding the HTML Frameset Tag

The <frameset cols=""></frameset> tag in HTML is a powerful tool that allows you to divide your browser window into multiple sections, each capable of loading a separate HTML document. This feature can be incredibly useful for creating complex layouts and navigation systems.

How to Use the Frameset Tag

To use the frameset tag, you first need to replace your body tag with a frameset tag. The ‘cols’ attribute specifies how many columns you want to create and their widths. For example:

<frameset cols="30%,70%">
  <frame src="page1.html">
  <frame src="page2.html">

In this example, we’ve created two frames: one that takes up 30% of the window’s width (loading page1.html) and another that takes up 70% (loading page2.html).

Nesting Framesets

You can also nest framesets within each other to create more complex layouts. Here’s an example:

<frameset cols="50%,50%">
  <frame src="page1.html">
  <frameset rows="50%,50%">
    <frame src="page2.html">
    <frame src="page3.html">

This creates three frames: one on the left half of the screen (loading page1.html), and two on the right half (each taking up half of that side and loading page2.html and page3.html respectively).


While framesets can be powerful, they also come with some drawbacks. They can make your website harder to navigate, especially for users with disabilities. They’re also not very mobile-friendly, as the fixed sizes can lead to poor layout on smaller screens.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that the frameset tag is not supported in HTML5. Therefore, if you’re building a new website, it’s recommended to use CSS for layout instead.

In conclusion, while the <frameset cols=""></frameset> tag can be useful for certain applications, it’s important to consider its limitations and alternatives before deciding to use it.

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