Using Multiple Background Images in CSS

In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to use multiple background images in a single element using CSS. This is achieved by the background-image property.

What is the background-image Property?

The background-image property in CSS allows you to set one or more background images for an element. The images are layered on top of each other where the first image is closest to the viewer.


element {
  background-image: url('img_flower.jpg'), url('img_nature.jpg');

In this syntax, ‘element’ can be any HTML element like <div>, <body>, etc. The URLs inside the parentheses point to the location of your image files.

How to Use Multiple Background Images?

To use multiple background images, simply separate each URL with a comma as shown above. The first image listed will be the top layer and each subsequent image will be underneath the previous one.


body {
  background-image: url('img_flower.jpg'), url('img_nature.jpg');

This code sets two background images for the body of your webpage. The ‘img_flower.jpg’ will appear on top and ‘img_nature.jpg’ will appear beneath it.

Tips for Using Multiple Background Images:

  • The order matters – The first image appears on top and others follow beneath it.
  • If your images have transparency, they can create interesting layered effects.
  • Ensure your images are optimized for web use to prevent slow load times.


The background-image property in CSS is a powerful tool that allows you to add depth and complexity to your website’s design. By understanding how to layer multiple images, you can create visually appealing backgrounds that enhance the user experience.

We hope this tutorial was helpful in understanding the usage of multiple background images in CSS. Happy coding!

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