This simple application was created for a blogger that wanted to experiment with AI created blog posts. The AI Blog post writer application took prompts for the content that should be created and also reflected back on previous posts to ensure that a similar post was not created. This was a standalone service with integration to a WordPress Blog. simply feed the writer-bot the content you are looking for and then it would create the number of posts you want on the schedule you prefer.
Why The Customer Was Interested In Trying This Method
The customer owned and/or managed several blogs and was looking for a way to obtain ideas and automate some of the processes. Manually using GPT-4 was fairly efficient, but he was looking for something that could streamline the process even more.
Established Directives and Goals for the AI Blog Post Writer
The general GPT-4 Model was used for this application. The proper Prompt was needed. It was as follows:
pretense = “You always write to ensure your search engine optimization is in complete consideration. ” \
“You always write to put in an html body, so format all of your writing in html tags.” \
“write a walkthrough, tutorial, and proper usage for the following:”
In-between the top variable and the bottom variable, it would include the title of the existing posts.
nonnormal_prompt = ” not using any of these prompts, create a top 50 list of ___________________ ” \
“each seperated by a semi-colon and unnumbered. do not include anything else.”
The strings would be concatenated together to form the final prompt.
Result of the AI Blog Post Writer
The customer used the AI writer to make 3 posts per blog, per day, that was saved as a draft on each site. He would then go into them, make modifications and then publish.
What Went Well
Overall, this allowed the blogger a streamlined process to a seemingly infinite set of content.
What Could Be Improved
- The biggest problem was generating the featured image with DALL-E. Unfortunately, there were no known ways to make the image not look computer generated. Computer image generation will need to come a long way before it will be a widely utilized technology.
- After a large number of posts were made, the prompt would get too large for GPT-4 to consume. An enhancement was needed to compensate for this. An additional call to GPT-4 was called when this error occurred that would summarize the existing blog posts. this reduced the prompt size but caused occasional duplicates to be created. This could potentially be improved with a more custom GPT-4 model.
Do you have a similar situation you would like an AI Blog Post Writer to complete for you? Contact us today to learn more.